SUSHEAT Smart Integration of Waste and Renewable Energy for Sustainable Heat Upgrade in the Industry

The SUSHEAT project aims to create and validate three groundbreaking enabling technologies. These innovations promise to deliver both a significant and sustainable heat upgrade to the industry and introduce a novel, intelligent integration of waste and recycling. The technologies are high-temperature heat pumps, a phase-change, bio-inspired thermal energy storage system, and a control and integration twin system. Together, they will facilitate a heating upgrade, enabling adaptable heat delivery and efficient waste heat recovery while also granting access to renewable energy sources.
Horizon Europe | CINEA
€ 4.67 million
Start date
48 months
Project details

The challenge
Industrial processes require large amounts of heat currently generated by fossil fuels that account for more than 20% of world energy use and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The United Nations International Panel on Climate Change stipulates that by 2030 global CO2 emissions need to be reduced by 45% compared to 2010 levels. SUSHEAT introduces a rational concept to harvest energy from renewable sources and waste heat to replace fossil energy for industry.
The solution
SUSHEAT will contribute to deep industrial decarbonisation by providing a thermal heat upgrade solution for factory processing. The SUSHEAT solution will deliver stable, on-demand heat with a full decoupling from any waste heat recovery and renewables availability.
The main impacts
SUSHEAT addresses the critical challenge of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in industrial processes by replacing fossil fuels with renewable-based heating solutions.
- Expected energy savings of more than 100 Terawatts per hour in the European market.
- Anticipated savings of around 15 million tonnes of polluting CO2 emissions.
- Enhanced energy efficiency for factories and manufacturing processes.
- Less need for industry to buy unsustainable, expensive carbon credits for polluting.
- Europe as leader in industrial solutions using waste energy and renewable sources.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Grant Agreement No 101103552

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