TECH4EFFECT Knowledge and Technologies for Effective Wood Procurement
TECH4EFFECT brought together a consortium of 21 partners and stakeholders across eight countries in a bid to make real research impacts to increase production and environmental efficiency in the forestry sector. This is to supply an expanding European bioeconomy.
Project Highlights
H2020 BBI JU | Forest Management | RIA
Type of Action
Research and Innovation Action
€ 5.2 million
Start date
57 months
Project details
The challenge
T4E has engaged in multiple topics and initiatives to research, design and implement methods and tools, create better business models, and provide digital solutions to make the next leap in efficiency gains. Better and faster access to information should have a major impact on planning and decision-making to speed up supply for biomass-based value chains. The complexity and variance of European forestry harvesting methods and terrain has presented a challenge in the digitisation of the European forestry sector. Transforming analogue data into digital data to develop methods, tools and solutions for forestry has been a major initiative of T4E. The consortium continues to improve information flow, enhanced mechanisation and efficiency in silviculture and harvesting, while reducing soil impact and fuel consumption.
The solution
The development of the SILVISMART digital efficiency portal, with a benchmarking function, is a key step towards digitising European forestry. Large amounts of data have been captured from forest machines that can be turned into valuable information and business intelligence, which facilitates information flow between the different actors of the value chains. The creation of more accurate Depth-to-Water geographical maps, combined with drone-based ortho-mosaic modelling has delivered solution-driven research to better manage site impact. Apps were created and tested in operational environments to enhance wood recovery, minimise waste, collect data and give real-time soil sensitivity alerts. Mechanised adjustments have been made to harvesting machinery and operations to make them more safe, productive and fuel efficient.
The main impacts
Major impacts have been made in facilitating data collection from various countries, including the adaptation of that data to make it available for all forestry actors to improve efficiency. Technical adjustments have been made to existing machines accounting for improved working techniques and the development of knowledge-based management practices, including the development of apps for data collection and output gains. Higher productivity and increased mobilisation of wood resources were made possible through an interactive benchmarking tool, a sensor based real-time controlling tool, as well as performance analyses and mechanical advancements to harvesters and forwarders. Measures have been made to increase forest operations output, reduce fuel consumption and improve innovation and competitiveness, encouraging entrepreneurialism.Acknowledgment
This project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under Grant Agreement No. 720757.
Information and views set out across this project are those of the Consortium and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion or position of the European Union. Neither European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use that may be made of the information contained herein.
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