
Completed Projects, FP7
HealthBread product innovation based on FP6 HealthGrain results and knowledge
€ 1 million
24 months
The HealthBread project was a two-year collaborative project (November 2012 – October 2014) with the aim to exploit and further develop research results from the completed FP6 Healthgrain project to create new, good tasting and nutritionally enriched bread products.
By using specific parts of the wheat grain kernels, breads were obtained with higher levels of dietary fibre and beneficial nutrients such as B-vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Dedicated fermentation processes improved the availability of these nutrients for uptake in the digestive tract. The project produced both ‘whole grain’ and ‘white’ bread products and assessed their commercial potential.
The aim was to enable eight SME bakeries from Austria, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands to have new HealthBread products on their shop shelves by the end of the 2-year project and to develop an overall business model to enable exploitation of the project results across Europe.
- RTDS was leading the work package on Business Development and provided support to the project coordinator.