
Completed Projects, FP7
Integration of Bio-Conversion and Separation Technology for the production and application of platform chemicals from 2nd generation biomass
€ 8.9 million
48 months
Plastics made from plants? In our everyday life we are faced with a variety of plastics made from biomass. In the supermarket we have the choice to carry our food home in an eco-friendly bio-plastic bag, but what is this bag made from?
BioConSepT was a €13 mil EU-funded project which aimed to produce consumer goods out of biomass, i.e. plant matter, which is not competing with the food chain. Non-edible fats & oils and wood was the feedstock (“ingredients”) of the 2nd generation biomass process. Additionally, it aimed to be 30% cheaper and 30% more sustainable than the corresponding chemical routes or the biotechnology processes starting from 1st generation edible feedstocks.
Led by Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), BioConSepT consisted of a well-balanced and experienced consortium of five research and technology organizations (RTOs), ten large industrial companies and 14 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
RTDS was leading the Dissemination & Exploitation work package.