Avant Alternatives to Veterinary ANTimicrobials

AVANT is a multi-actor inter-sectorial project aimed at developing alternatives to antimicrobials for the management of bacterial infections in pigs, especially diarrhoea during the weaning period, as the major indication for antimicrobial use in livestock in Europe.
H2020 | SFS Anti-microbials | IA
€ 6.5 million
Start date
60 months
Project details

The challenge
Developing and testing new, efficient and targeted alternatives to anti-microbials in farmed animal production has been placed at the forefron of current research. Considering the guidelines, standards and legislation in the field in order to facilitate the marketing of the measures identified in the project should complement the results.
Antimicrobial resistance in livestock is a public health threat due to the risk of zoonotic transmission to humans and its negative consequences on animal health and welfare when diseases cannot be treated. Antimicrobial treatment options for pigs are increasingly limited because of planned restrictions in the use of colistin and zinc, two current choices for treatment of post-weaning diarrhoea.

The solution
During pre-clinical studies, efficacy, toxicity, and mode of action of these interventions is tested, and their dosage and formulation optimised. The results and a survey of veterinarian-, farmer- and consumer perception of anti-microbial alternatives, will be used together with legal and economic considerations to select three interventions for large-scale farm trials, assessing clinical efficacy and impact on antimicrobial use.

The main impacts
AVANT’s research products are supported by regulatory advice for quick market entry post-project. Generated and existing data on antimicrobial use, pig demographics and projected consumption of pork, will be used in mathematical modelling to estimate the reduction in antimicrobial use that could be achieved by 2030 if the AVANT alternatives were widely adopted in pig production.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 862829.
Information and views set out across this project are those of the Consortium and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion or position of the European Union. Neither European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use.
Get in touch avant@rtds-group.com