PHANTASTIC PHA-based iNnovative agriculTurAl Solutions to deliver bio-based ferTIlisers and plant protection produCts

The PHAntastic Project, “PHA-based iNnovative agriculTurAl Solutions to deliver bio-based ferTIlisers and plant protection produCts,” aims to substitute widely used agricultural plastics by bio-based and completely biodegradable versions based on PHBV polymer obtained from agri-food residues (complemented with commercial polyhydroxyalkanoates – PHA grades), that deliver active bioproducts (bio-based fertilizers and plant protection products – PPPs) instead of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. PHAntastic will reach the double objective of reducing both agrochemicals and plastic inputs in our agricultural systems while protecting environmental and human health.
Horizon Europe | European Health and Digital Executive Agency
€ 7.3 million
Start date
48 Months (4 Years)
Project details

The challenge
Agrochemicals have doubled crop yields but have also caused negative impacts. The EU aims to reduce fertiliser losses and pesticide use by 50 % by 2030. Polymer-based delivery systems can help, but they generate plastic pollution. Agricultural plastics like mulch films and growth foams minimise agrochemical use but contribute to non-biodegradable plastic pollution.The PHAntastic project aims to reduce agrochemical and plastic pollution by developing biodegradable polymers. Based on these polymers, it will create delivery systems (mulch films and growth foams) that contain active bioproducts and will test them on horticultural crops in Europe. The project aims to contribute to more sustainable and less impactful agriculture.

The solution
PHAntastic tackles the reduction of agrochemicals and plastics pollution using PHAs, a family of bio-based biodegradable polymers. PHAntastic will develop two families of delivery systems (mulch films and growth foams) based on PHAs containing active bioproducts (amino acids & hydrolyzed proteins, microelements, elicitors and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria -PGPR) instead of synthetic agrochemicals. Products will be demonstrated with end users (TRL6) on horticultural crops and trees in Northern and Southern Europe. Experts in the Safe and Sustainable by Design framework will guarantee compliance. Market acceptance will be guaranteed through the development of robust business cases and exploitation strategies. Ultimately, PHAntastic will contribute to a secure food supply chain and less impactful agriculture, boosting the sustainability, autonomy and competitiveness of vital EU value chains.
The main impacts
The PHAntastic project will contribute to a significant reduction of agrochemicals (minimum 25% in fertilizers, 50% in pesticides, resulting in 23.000 tons less of agrochemicals by 2050) and plastic (680 tons microplastics less by 2050) in our agricultural systems. Involving 15 European partners from seven different countries, PHAntastic woöö support sustainable agriculture and align with EU targets for reduced environmental impact and enhanced food security.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement 101130073.

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