SUSTAINair researches and develops solutions to increase resource efficiency and aircraft performance while reducing waste and material costs throughout the aircraft life cycle, what is known as circular aviation.
read moreSolnatide
During the SOLNATIDE project a therapeutic peptide – APEPTICO’s lead-compound solnatide (IMP) – which successfully targets severe pulmonary diseases (such as ARDS, PPO, oedematous respiratory failure or acute lung injury), is clinically tested for treatment of the life-threatening effects of an infection with COVID-19….
read moreSusbind
SUSBIND is a collaborative European research and innovation project addressing the need for more sustainable bio-based binders used for wood-based panel boards in the European furniture industry. The SUSBIND consortium develops, produces and tests bio-based binders as an alternative to fossil-based binders currently used in furniture mass products…
read moreTech4Effect
TECH4EFFECT brought together a consortium of 21 partners and stakeholders across eight countries in a bid to make real research impacts to increase production and environmental efficiency in the forestry sector. This is to supply an expanding European bioeconomy…
read moreDryFiciency
The overall objective of the DryFiciency project is to lead energy-intensive sectors of the European manufacturing industry to high energy efficiency and a reduction of fossil carbon emissions by means of waste heat recovery to foster competitiveness, improve security of energy supply and guarantee sustainable production in Europe…
read morePeakapp
We all know the free market operates on the principle of supply and demand and the electricity market is no different – electricity prices are lower in times of high production levels of wind and solar power – which cannot be stored. In the past, households have been unable to benefit from this low priced electricity. The innovative PEAKapp ecosystem (application) enables energy retailers to forward low-price, green…
read moreARANGE
ARANGE was an FP7 Project with the aim to improve multifunctional management of European mountain forests. The project “Advanced multifunctional forest management in European mountain RANGEs” (ARANGE) has evaluated the capacity of current forest management regimes and possible alternative future management to provide portfolios of ecosystem services (ES) from mountain forests. The…
read moreBioConSepT
Plastics made from plants? In our everyday life we are faced with a variety of plastics made from biomass. In the supermarket we have the choice to carry our food home in an eco-friendly bio-plastic bag, but what is this bag made from? BioConSepT was a €13 mil EU-funded project which aimed to produce consumer goods out of biomass, i.e. plant matter, which is not competing with the food chain. Non-edible fats…
read moreEnthalpy
ENTHALPY focused on the dairy powder production process and aimed to reduce consumption of energy by 60% and water by 15%. This reduction was achieved through the combination of improving existing and creating new, innovative technologies. The ENTHALPY project examined four key areas along the production chain to achieve overall savings of water and energy through: more efficient pre-treatment of milk…
read morePerformance
The main idea of the PERFORMANCE (Development of PERsonalized FOod using Rapid MAnufacturing for the Nutrition of elderly ConsumErs) project was to develop and validate a holistic, personalised food supply chain for frail elderly persons living either in nursing homes, ambient assisted living facilities or at home (visited by nursing services) facing swallowing and/or masticating problems. The supply “chain” in this…
read moreQuaLiFY
QuaLiFY (Quantify Life – Feed Yourself) was a two-year FP7 collaborative project targeted at SMEs which aimed to exploit results of FP6 and FP7 projects in the area of personalised dietary advice. Together with several research institutes, 12 European SMEs were leading the QuaLiFY project. They created a shared IT infrastructure, using results from previous EU-funded projects on food composition, food intake…
read moreSATIN – SATiety INnovation
SATIN – SATiety INnovation was an FP7 project to develop satiety-enhancing ingredients implemented into new food and beverage products using the latest processing innovation techniques. The project established a better understanding of the biological processes in the stomach and links to the brain which makes us feel “full” and also evaluated whether this approach is a viable weight management tool…
read moreHealthBread
The HealthBread project was a two-year collaborative project (November 2012 – October 2014) with the aim to exploit and further develop research results from the completed FP6 Healthgrain project to create new, good tasting and nutritionally enriched bread products. By using specific parts of the wheat grain kernels, breads were obtained with higher levels of dietary fibre and beneficial nutrients such as…
read moreMoniQa
MoniQA (Monitoring and Quality Assurance in the total food supply chain) was an FP6 Network of Excellence (NoE), which involved experts from around the globe working for safer foods by harmonising worldwide food quality and safety monitoring and control strategies. The project was covering the safety and quality assessment of all foods and feeds including grains and crops, fruits and vegetables, meats and…
read moreMedResIn SEE
MedResIn SEE (Medical Research Initiative South Eastern Europe) was a Specific Support Action under the EU Framework programme 6 (FP6). It was set up to strengthen scientific and technological interaction and co-operation in biomedical research between the EU and South Eastern Europe, especially the Western Balkan countries.Its aim was to facilitate future participation of Medical Universities/Faculties and…
read moreNISMIST
Sustainable waste management and disposal is a societal challenge in terms of economics, public health and environmental impact. The FP6 INCO project NISMIST applied Geographical Information System (GIS) for the analysis of dynamic response of landfills, risk analysis and management of landfills, recommendations for cost-effective remediation measures, dissemination and creation of environmental awareness…
read moreBOMOSA
The FP6 INCO project BOMOSA aimed at the development and demonstration of caged fish farming systems in reservoirs, ponds and temporary water bodies in Eastern Africa (Kenya, Ethiopia & Uganda). The project pioneered small-scale fish farming in Eastern Africa which was implemented in order to establish rural aquaculture networks (coordinated in a “hub and plot” system) to economically integrate…
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