UNTWIST Project Launch
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- Category: News

Entitled “Uncover and promote tolerance to temperature and water stress in Camelina sativa”, the UNTWIST project officially launched, as an EU-funded innovation action, with a 2-day kick-off meeting (KOM) on the 16th-17th of September 2020.
Starting 1st of September 2020, the duration of the UNTWIST project is 5 years. With a secured EU contribution of 4.9 Mio EUR, 8 partners from 7 EU member states will research the stress response mechanisms of Camelina sativa, a climate-resilient crop with successful stress adaptation strategies, that will be implemented in new agronomic solutions.
The UNTWIST project officially kicked-off on the 16-17th of September 2020, with a virtual 2-days meeting that had taken place. Despite the in-distance communication, due to recent Covid-19 measures across Europe, several employees of the 8 consortium members participated in the KOM, presenting the objectives, methodology and work to be carried out per each work package.
The meeting was also attended by the EU project officer Anna Starace and the EU communication officer Lucia Pacillo from the Research Executive Agency Unit B2. As invited speaker, Mark Theige from the University of Vienna presented the EU-funded project ADAPT. All congratulated the UNWIST members for the successful launch of the project and wished for fruitful and productive collaboration.
Both Ms. Starace and Ms. Pacillo took the opportunity during the meeting to remind the UNTWIST partners of their due obligations as per the Grant Agreement No.862524, in regards to the implementation of the project and to comply with the appropriate EU visibility measures in reference to dissemination, exploitation and communication.
The UNTWIST Project is coordinated by the Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria). The RTDS Association participates in the overall management (WP8) of the project, leading the exploitation management on WP7. Other partners of the UNTWIST Project include Institut National de Recherche pour l’aggriculture, l’alimentation et l’environment (France), Rothamsted Research Limited (United Kingdom), Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH (Germany), Alma Mater Studorium – Universita di Bologna (Italy), Camelina Company Espana S.L. (Spain), Iniciativas Innovadoras SAL (Spain).
Image credit: © Untwist
Additional information:
Cordis: Project No 862524