The member projects of the EU bioremediation cluster, led by the MIBIREM project, recently published a joint policy document to EU decision-makers and stakeholders to call for a major EU-funded environmental biotechnology research initiative.

Why we must act now
Environmental Biotechnology, which was in its infancy in the late 20th century, has evolved significantly thanks to breakthroughs in Molecular Biology, Systems Biology, and Synthetic Biology. Multiple successes in the biological cleanup of municipal and industrial wastewater and hydrocarbon soil pollution demonstrate the vast power of clean technologies. Additionally, we now have extensive information on the activities of microorganisms as biocatalysts in various environments, highlighting their critical role in biological, ecological, industrial, and geological systems.
Tackling Climate Change Challenges
Climate change, largely generated by industrial, farming, and urban activities, exacerbates environmental burdens such as antibiotic resistance and endocrine disruptors. Environmental biotechnology has the potential to prevent food chain contamination, protect life, and support economic development without compromising sustainability.
Developing a Fully Integrated Knowledge Base
Given the complexity of the compounds to be degraded, the varying environments to be treated, and the multitude of organisms with potential bioremediation activities, we must develop a fully integrated knowledge base. Advancements in nanotechnology and genomics should be compiled into common platforms and databases to facilitate easy retrieval and data integration. This will enable the development of interdisciplinary solutions and synergistic systems for bioremediation.
Creating Expert Systems and Models
Integrating databases with expert systems into a cohesive information system will produce a true 21st-century tool for management and research purposes. Managed data becomes information, and information fed into modelling and predictive systems becomes knowledge. This knowledge supports decision-making and is crucial for policymakers, scientists, and industry to work together effectively.

The benefits of environmental biotechnology research
Apart from scientists and EU policymakers, the public has everything to gain from environmental biotechnology research.
Human Health
There is growing evidence that human health is directly dependent on the environment. Environmental biotechnology can help prevent diseases related to environmental degradation and diffuse pollution, a challenge that knows no borders.
Economic Benefits
Environmental biotechnology also promises economic benefits such as the development of clean technologies with competitive advantages in the global economy and the remediation of contaminated sites for public or private benefit.
The call to action
It is the duty of industrialized societies and their political leadership to fund and encourage science that addresses the problems created by industrialization. Environmental biotechnology is a pillar of mission-oriented science that transcends national borders.
Previous Framework Programmes of the European Union planted the seeds for this booming field. Unfortunately, the new Programs of the European Union only assign a minor role to environmental biotechnology and bioremediation.
Recurrent environmental crises are not only severe pollution problems but also have serious political consequences. Even considering short-term returns, the European Commission should prioritize this research due to the social and economic costs associated with environmental problems. Highlighting bioremediation research in future programs could improve public perception of European Commission policies.
Environmental biotechnology is crucial for human health and green technologies and can significantly improve the quality of life for future generations.
This is why the EU bioremediation cluster calls for a major European-funded environmental biotechnology research initiative now.
The EU bioremediation cluster call for action was launched as key outcome of the recent BioBio 2024 symposium in Prague. Read more about this EU bioremediation conference on the MIBIREM website.