FNS-Cloud Project Kick-Off Meeting

RTDS as coordinator hosted in Vienna between 12-14 November the project kick-off meeting for the Food Nutrition Security Cloud project or as it will be known from now on FNS-Cloud. More than 70 participants from 14 EU countries made good use of the collaborative work environment created to bring together all researchers and engineers involved in the project.

FNS-Cloud aims to develop an infrastructure and services to exploit food, nutrition and security data (data, knowledge, tools – resources) for a range of purposes, and integrate with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The implemented cloud solution will increase the exploitation of FNS knowledge and will contribute to reducing knowledge gaps that inhibit public health and agricultural policy. Furthermore, it will support the food industry in reducing development and production costs and increasing sustainable production. Ultimately, the cloud solution will facilitate informed and healthy choices by consumers.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 863059.

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Image credit: © FNS-Cloud

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