BIOVEXO wins at the 2nd Agribusiness high-tech competition & Farm2Fork hackathon

25th November 2020 – BIOVEXO project, presented by consortium partner ACIES Bio, wins at the 2nd Agribusiness High-tech competition and the Farm2Fork hackathon event. The Agribusiness high-tech competition and the Farm2Fork hackathon were a part of the 5th Agribusiness conference on new technologies in agriculture held in Slovenia. The conference took place on the 25th of November 2020 from 9:00-15:45 and was made up of two virtual sessions. Click here to view the agenda of the entire event.

biovexo project

Image credits: © Agrobiznis 2020

The aim of the conference was to demonstrate the technological modernization of agriculture in Europe across the entire industrial chain. There were up to 100 participants (viewers), including key industrial experts, policy stakeholders, SME representatives, honoured guests and more.

BIOVEXO Project wins

The BIOVEXO project participated as a finalist in the first part of the 5th Agribusiness conference on new technologies in agriculture – the Agribusiness high-tech competition. The competition included four categories for best practices in the field of new technologies in agriculture.

After extensive evaluation, the BIOVEXO project was selected as the winner of the ‘best idea in the field of new technologies in agriculture and food processing industry’ category.

acies bio

Image credits: © Agrobiznis 2020

After the announcement was made, senior R&D Manager Martin Kavšček from ACIES Bio held a Q&A session detailing the objectives and impact of the BIOVEXO project. Kavšček emphasized that there is an ”urgent need for the development of biopesticides to tackle Xylella fastidiosa, as the pathogen keeps spreading in Italy and Spain”. Moreover, the negative impacts of the dangerous pathogen Xylella fastidiosa were explained.

The DEC leader of the BIOVEXO project, Magdalena Kovacova from the RTDS Group, commented that ”the consortium couldn’t be more proud of ACIES Bio’s participation and win on behalf of the BIOVEXO project at the Agribusiness high-tech competition. The partners are ecstatic that efforts towards the development of innovative biopesticides are recognized by key industrial stakeholders and we hope to share some exciting news in the future!”

BIOVEXO & Farm2Fork priorities

The Farm2Fork strategy is at the heart of the EU Green Deal. The BIOVEXO project is committed in addressing the objectives laid down by the Farm2Fork Strategy.

The Farm2Fork Strategy aims to reduce the overall use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50% by the year 2030. It outlines steps as regards to paving the way towards alternative methods. Moreover, it addresses the fact, that, the European Commission will revise the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive in the near future. It will include additional provisions on integrated pest management (IPM) as well as promote the use of alternative methods of protecting harvests from diseases and dangerous pest outbreaks (Farm To Fork Strategy, 2020).

The BIOVEXO project demonstrates six candidate solutions, as alternative means to chemical pesticides, to combat the Xylella fastidiosa pathogen. Following extensive field-trials and validations, top performing candidate solutions will be up-scaled for market introduction.

additional information

To learn more about the 5th Agribusiness conference on new technologies in agriculture, the agribusiness high-tech competition and the Farm2Fork hackathon , watch the full event below.


Image credits: © Agrobiznis 2020

The BIOVEXO project has received funding from the Bio Based Industries Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 887281. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the Bio Based Industries Consortium.

To learn more about the BIOVEXO project and the research plan, click here.

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